Registration date

開始日期 結束日期
March 1, 2024 ~

Registration fee

Early bird
Until May 12, 2024
Regular Fee
As of May 13, 2024
(including banquet)
NTD 3,600 NTD 4,200
(including banquet)
NTD 4,200
NTD 4,800
Graduate NTD 1,400 NTD 1,800
Undergraduate NTD 400 NTD 600

早鳥優惠期限:March 1, 2024 ~ May 12, 2024


  • Optional: The banquet fee for Students is NTD 1,200 per person.
  • Early bird registration should be completed with payment by May 12, 2024, the discount price will be transferred to the regular price after May 13, 2024.