Instructions for Presenters

Abstract submission link

  1. Abstract should be submitted under one of the categories listed.
  2. Complete registration with full payment is required for an oral/poster presentation.
  3. Each registrant is not allowed to submit more than TWO abstracts.
  4. Please submit the Final PDF version of your abstract, not exceeding TWO pages with a file size limit of 2 MB. 
  5. English is the specified language for the abstract and presentation. The template can be downloaded here.
  6. The deadline for submitting your abstract is April 15, 2024 at 23:59:59 PM.
  7. Names and affiliations of all authors must be clearly displayed.
  8. If you need to upload a revised abstract, please contact the Conference Administrator directly instead of submitting it again
  9. Abstract submission link.


Presentation Guidelines

  1. The oral presentation should be completed within 20 minutes, including a 5-minute Q&A session.
  2. Discussion is an essential element of the scientific work and makes a conference lively and constructive.  Chairpersons will cut presenters off who try to use the discussion time for their presentation.
  3. All oral presentations should be uploaded into the computer system no later on the day 30 mins prior to your session.
  4. To ensure the smooth running of the presentations, speakers are requested to be in their session room 10 minutes before the start of the session.
  5. All presentations must be in PowerPoint format.
  6. Mac users: please make sure your presentation has the proper converting device, format layout and fonts when opened in Microsoft PowerPoint.
  7. The posters should be prepared in A0 size (84 cm wide x 119 cm high).
  8. Session I & III: Posters should be displayed by 09:30 and taken down by 12:30 on July 1st and 2nd, respectively.
  9. Session II & IV: Posters should be displayed by 13:00 and taken down by 17:15 on July 1st and 2nd, respectively.
  10. Please use only the tape provided by the organizer.
  11. Designated oral/poster sessions and numbers will be announced on the session schedule. To join the Poster Award Competition, the presenter please stand by at the poster to interact with the reviewer during the designated session.
  12. The list of Oral/Poster Competition awardees will be announced on the Website. The awardees will receive a certificate and a cash prize at the closing ceremony of the ICSS 2024.


Topics for Abstract Submission

  1. Physical MEMS/NEMS

  2. Chemical MEMS/NEMS

  3. Chemical Sensors

  4. Biosensors


Submission Status